Sunday, December 29, 2019
3 Psychological Factors Negatively Impacting Your Productivity
3 Psychological Factors Negatively Impacting Your Productivity3 Psychological Factors Negatively Impacting Your Productivity With a cup of coffee in hand, you sit down at your desk ready to finish some editing before the weekend. You log into your computer, check Slack and your email, get distracted by a New York Times update on your phone, scroll through some tweets, and read an article about 7 Superfoods that Help with Focus. You respond to a text while Adobe Creative Suite loads, check the weather for the weekend, and if youre lucky, youll start to work before a client calls or an email warrants a response.On average, it takes 23 minutes and 15 seconds for someone to get back on task once interrupted.Distractions are everywhere- slyly stealing away your time and focus in small doses while taking a drastic toll on your productivity . Although some distractions can be avoided with solutions as simple as shutting your door, others- namely digital distractions- can be a little trickier to keep at bay. Push-notifications, pings, and timelines help us feel connected and informed, but not always at the right times with the right information.parte of the problem is that we are biased towards action. We want to feel busy even if we are achieving less. We answer texts while writing an email, and even in our leisure time, we scroll through timelines while binge-watching Netflix.Unfortunately, this comes at a cost. Studies have shown that multitasking can reduce productivity by 40 percent and can even lower ones IQ by 10 points. Our brains cant do two things at once, so instead of multitasking youre just switching between two tasks rapidly, but each time with a cognitive cost of attention and mental power.Its is also a form of procrastination. Although most of us procrastinate, very few of understand why.Too often we label the act of procrastinating as laziness or a lack of motivation. However, psychologists now understand that its a coping mechan ism for dealing with emotionally unpleasant or challenging tasks.We do something fun or less daunting to give ourselves an immediate mood boost, rather than facing a task that requires more brain power and concentration. Unfortunately, this fleeting mood boost often leaves us feeling guilty and stressed, which in turn perpetuates the vicious cycle of procrastination.So why cant we just use self-control and ignore the push notifications, buzzes, and pings? We can- but only for a limited amount of time. Self-control, much like any other resource, is finite. Ignoring your phone requires effortful self-control that results in a temporary depletion of ones willpower to control other emotions, behaviors, and thoughts. You may be able to ignore the first few pings, but it gets harder as the day goes on.To add to the problem of self-control, our brains crave the rewards often associated with social media and the seemingly endless stream of information from the netz. These distractions stimu late the production of two chemical rewards in the brain- dopamine and oxytocin. Dopamine causes us to search, seek, and desire novelty- which naturally makes us curious to explore the constant flow of information from the internet.Oxytocin, known for its ability to affect feelings of intimacy and bonding, is the stimulant for good feelings of love, empathy, trust, and compassion. When we post, comment, like, or share, and receive the saatkorn in return, our oxytocin levels rise and we feel more connected to those around us. The stimulation of social media not only makes us feel good but also leaves us craving more.The first step to overcoming distraction and procrastination is awareness and understanding. Being aware of your habits and the reasons why youre procrastinating can prevent you from feeling helpless, unmotivated, and defeated.By acknowledging your procrastination, youre recognizing your brains reflexes at work and are able to better separate the habit from your own ide ntity. One study revealed that students who forgave themselves for putting off studying for their first exam were less likely to procrastinate studying for the next.Once you recognize it, the next step is to identify your goals and then simply to start- not finish, complete, or solve, but to start the task. This helps because progress, no matter how small, helps to motivate us to continue- especially when it aligns with our personal goals.The most important thing to know about your self-control is that it is a finite resource- one that diminishes with use. Ignoring push notifications, choosing vegetables over pizza, and exercising daily all draw from the same reserve of self-control- making it harder to make the better choice as the day goes on.But there are a few things you can do to help replenish your self-control , like getting a good nights sleep, meditating, and exporting self-control whenever possible. A good nights sleep has been shown to help replenish your self-control r eserves, as well as improve decision-making. Along with good sleep, meditation has also been linked to increased willpower, focus, and self-awareness. And if all else fails, remove your own weakness from the equation entirely. Use apps like Freedom to block distracting websites and apps, try only keeping healthy snacks at home, or cancel your cable.For many of us, our digital habits are the source of many productivity problems. Even when we know the source of the problem, it can be extremely difficult to fight against because tech products, such as social media, have been engineered to be as addictive as crack cocaine. This is why self-control is simply not enough- its an unfair fight against you and technology that has been specifically designed to keep your brain craving more.The solution? Since becoming a luddite and giving up technology altogether is unrealistic and unattainable. Its time to stop blaming yourself and fight fire with fire.Internet-blocking apps like Freedom can h elp you block distracting apps and sites across all your Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android devices for a set period of time. Freedom also lets you schedule recurring blocks to help you save time every day for the things that matter most. With our latest whitelisting feature, Block All and Block All Except you can choose to block out the whole web when you need to, except for the sites you need access to. Social media and the internet offer many benefits, but only when youre in control and not the other way around.Alexandra Dempsey is a digital marketing and strategy manager at Freedom. Freedom lets you block distracting websites and apps across all of your devices so you can focus on what matters most.This article was originally published on Grammarly. Reprinted with permission.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Learn About Class D Airspace in Order to Fly Safely
Learn About Class D Airspace in Order to Fly SafelyLearn About Class D Airspace in Order to Fly SafelyClass D airspace is the space that surrounds airports that have an operating air traffic control tower, but dont have radar services (or at least the airport is not required to have radar). The airspace surrounding a Class D airport is only classified as a Class D airport when the air traffic control tower is in operation. When an airportstraffic control tower is not in operation, the airport reverts from a Class D airport to a Class E airport or a combination of a Class E and Class G airport. The control tower at a Class D airport provides traffic separation for Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and hilfsmittel Flight Rules (IFR) trafficand can provide VFR traffic advisories, workload permitting. How to Define Class D Airspace The following factors need to be considered when defining Class D airspace. Dimensions Class D airports can be tailored to fit instrument approach procedures that are available at the airport, which means that one Class D airport might look slightly different from another. Literally, the dimensions depend upon instrument approach procedures into a particular airport. Its worth noting that there are extensions for arrivals and departures factored into the airspace dimensions. Normally, the airspace surrounding a Class D airport extends from the surface up to a designated MSL altitude,usually about 2,500 feet Above Ground Level (AGL). Entry Requirements To enter Class D airspace, a pilot must contact the control tower and establish two-way radio communication prior to entering the airspace. During the call, you must provide Air Traffic Control (ATC) with your position, altitude, current transponder code, and your destination/intentions. Youll know youve established two-way communication when you get a call-back that includesyour callsign(tail number). If you do not hear your number you can not enter the airspace. If the controller is busy, the y can ask you to stay out of Class D airspace until they are ready. Speed Restrictions In any airspace, aircraft cant exceed 250 knotswhen below10,000 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL). However, when youre within 4 Nautical Miles (NM) of the primary Class D airport and at or below 2,500 feet AGL, you cant exceed 200 knots.Weather MinimumsClass D minimum weather requirements exist so that you can see and avoid other aircraft. Because not all Class D control towers have radar scopes, ATC wants you to stay far enough away from the clouds so that you can see and avoid other airplanes, especially jets flying fast approaches. An easy way to remember VFR weather minimums for Class D airspace is the stichwort 3 Cessna 152s. Each number in the phrase strands for a distance (i.e., 3 stands for 3 statical miles 1 stands for 1,000 feet above the clouds 5 stands for 500 feet below the clouds, and 2 stands for 2,000 feet away from horizontal clouds). VFR Visibility and Cloud Clearance Requirements Pilots flying into Class D airspace must maintain at least three statute miles visibility. In addition, pilots must remain at least 500 feet below clouds, 1,000 feet above clouds, and stay 2,000 feet away from horizontal clouds while in Class D airspace.Chart Depiction Class D airspace is depicted as a dashed blue line on a VFR sectional chart. You may notice that the airspace extends into the arrival and departure paths for IFR traffic. Other Airspace Classifications There are other classifications of controlled airspace (and their defined dimensions)within which ATC service is provided. The other classifications include Class A, B, C, E, and G. Class A AirspaceClass A airspace is generally airspace from the surface to 18,000 feet MSL up to and includingFlight Level (FL) 600, including the airspace overlying the waters within 12 NM of the coast of the 48 contiguous states and Alaska.Class B AirspaceClass B airspace is generally airspace from the surface to 10,000 feet MSL surrounding the nations busiest airports in terms of airport operations or passenger capacity.Class C AirspaceClass C airspace is airspace from the surface to 4,000 feet above the airport elevations (charted in MSL) surrounding those airports that have an operational control tower, are serviced by a radar approach control, and have a certain number of IFR operations or passenger capacity. Class E AirspaceClass E airspace is the controlled airspace not classified as Class A, B, C, or D airspace. A large amount of the airspace over the United States is designated as Class E airspace. Typically, Class E airspace extends up to, butnot including, 18,000 feet MSL (the lower limit of Class A airspace). All airspace above FL 600 is Class E airspace.Class G AirspaceClass G airspace is uncontrolled airspace and is the portion of the airspace that has not been designated as Class A, B, C, D, or E. This airspace extends from the surface to the base of the overlying Class E airspace. Although ATC has no au thority or responsibility to control air traffic, you should remember there are VFR minimums that apply to Class G airspace.
Friday, December 20, 2019
How to deal with condescending colleagues in the office
How to deal with condescending colleagues in the arbeitszimmerHow to deal with condescending colleagues in the officeSpend any time in the workforce, and there is a high possibility that you will be made to feel small by a colleague talking down to you or devaluing your input.Taking some time, however, to understand what motivates condescension, as well as learning some strategies to combat it, can help make working with colleagues who tend to be condescending much more tolerable.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreWhat motivates condescension?A rolle who is condescending in their comments toward others often1) wants to win the discussion, usually by squelching any dissent2) uses the situation to boost their own self-esteem by tearing down abedrngnisher person3) likes the power rush that comes from being the one who determines the best idea.In some situations, a condescending remark is the result of the person being under extreme stress, and the comment slips out in an impatient moment. These are the easiest situations to deal with because it is not an established interaction style, and will either remedy itself once the stress clears, or the person will likely be open to someone pointing out the undesired behavior. But many situations involving condescending remarks in the workplace often occur as a result of the persons overall interaction style.In behauptung cases, condescension can be traced back to insecurity, control issues and/or a wound from the persons past. They believe there is something about themselves is lacking that must be compensated for. They feel a need to establish feelings of self-worth, or to not feel out of control of the situation. Condescension is used in an attempt to fill the perceived gaps in their lives.How to deal with condescensionDONT TAKE IT PERSONALLY.Remember to not take their comment personally can help defuse the hurt you e xperience. A condescending remark is more about the other persons, than your shortcomings. If you have an established relationship with the person, you could say something like, Wow, you must be under a lot of stress right now. Is there something I can help you with?CONSIDER POSSIBLE FLECKS OF TRUTH.Although their delivery was terrible, there could actually be some constructive feedback to glean from the comment. Take a moment to examine what was said, and squeeze something to work with from it, if possible.KEEP BITTERNESS AT BAY.Working with someone who is consistently condescending can make you not only angry but bitter in ways that can make you toxic, too. Find ways to nurture your intern reserves and gain perspective. Dont let their unhealthy behaviors become contagious. It may help to vent with a trusted friend about the situation to gain perspective.POSSIBLE ACTIONS TO CONSIDER.Maybe you have the power to influence change, maybe not. Here are some pointers if you do decide to confront your patronizing colleagueTake a moment to calm down, if neededAsk to speak to them in private (to keep the situation between the two of you)Enter the conversation with an attitude of establishing a healthy relationship between you, not proving the person to be in the wrongBe professional. Use I language (I feel devalued as a person when you speak to me in a condescending tone) instead of You language (You are so condescending in the way you talk to me). Its less confrontational and easier to receive.Be willing to accept feedback that you may have a growth area of your ownExtend grace and work on establishing a new foundation of how you will work together in the future.Sometimes this will go well. Other times it will not.DONT EXPECT THEM TO RESPOND NORMALLY. Dysfunctional individuals do not respond to corrective feedback in the ways we expect healthy colleagues to. Your critical colleague may not be receptive to hearing your belief that they communicated inappropriately. Th e more realistic approach is to lower your expectations of getting healthy responses and be pleasantly surprised if you do.AUTHENTIC APPRECIATION CAN HELP.Positive interactions douse the flames of negativity. What are some things that you value about your colleagues? Take a moment to communicate appreciation with an encouraging note, surprising someone with their favorite snack, helping someone meet a deadline, taking a quick walk with a colleague to catch up, or even just tossing a high five someones way when they accomplish something.WEIGH THE COST.With certain individuals, you have to determine whether or not responding to their comments is worth the additional conflict that may result. Sometimes (for a period of time, at least), not responding may be the best course of action.Regardless of the level of condescension you face, remember to look at the situation as being the result oftheirissues. While you may be a recipient of their comments, you really arent the reason for them. Manage your reactions so the situation doesnt become worse. If possible, explore the potential lessons you can learn that could be embedded in their comment, and counter their negativity with some positives.This article first appeared on Appreciation at Work.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong peopleHow to deal with condescending colleagues in the officeSpend any time in the workforce, and there is a high possibility that you will be made to feel small by a colleague talking down to you or devaluing your input.Taking some time, however, to understand what motivates condescension, as well as learning some strategies to combat it, can help make working with colleagues who tend to be cond escending much more tolerable.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreWhat motivates condescension?A person who is condescending in their comments toward others often1) wants to win the discussion, usually by squelching any dissent2) uses the situation to boost their own self-esteem by tearing down another person3) likes the power rush that comes from being the one who determines the best idea.In some situations, a condescending remark is the result of the person being under extreme stress, and the comment slips out in an impatient moment. These are the easiest situations to deal with because it is not an established interaction style, and will either remedy itself once the stress clears, or the person will likely be open to someone pointing out the undesired behavior. But many situations involving condescending remarks in the workplace often occur as a result of the persons overall in teraction style.In these cases, condescension can be traced back to insecurity, control issues and/or a wound from the persons past. They believe there is something about themselves is lacking that must be compensated for. They feel a need to establish feelings of self-worth, or to not feel out of control of the situation. Condescension is used in an attempt to fill the perceived gaps in their lives.How to deal with condescensionDont take it personally. Remember to not take their comment personally can help defuse the hurt you experience. A condescending remark is more about the other persons, than your shortcomings. If you have an established relationship with the person, you could say something like, Wow, you must be under a lot of stress right now. Is there something I can help you with?Consider possible flecks of truth. Although their delivery was terrible, there could actually be some constructive feedback to glean from the comment. Take a moment to examine what was said, and s queeze something to work with from it, if possible.Keep bitterness at bay.Working with someone who is consistently condescending can make you not only angry but bitter in ways that can make you toxic, too. Find ways to nurture your inner reserves and gain perspective. Dont let their unhealthy behaviors become contagious. It may help to vent with a trusted friend about the situation to gain perspective.Possible actions to consider.Maybe you have power to influence change, maybe not. Here are some pointers if you do decide to confront your patronizing colleagueTake a moment to calm down, if neededAsk to speak to them in private (to keep the situation between the two of you)Enter the conversation with an attitude of establishing a healthy relationship between you, not proving the person to be in the wrongBe professional. Use I language (I feel devalued as a person when you speak to me in a condescending tone) instead of You language (You are so condescending in the way you talk to me). Its less confrontational and easier to receive.Be willing to accept feedback that you may have a growth area of your ownExtend grace and work on establishing a new foundation of how you will work together in the future.Sometimes this will go well. Other times it will not.Dont expect them to respond normally. Dysfunctional individuals do not respond to corrective feedback in the ways we expect healthy colleagues to. Your critical colleague may not be receptive to hearing your belief that they communicated inappropriately. The more realistic approach is to lower your expectations of getting healthy responses, and be pleasantly surprised if you do.Authentic appreciation can help. Positive interactions can douse the flames of negativity. What are some things that you value about your colleagues? Take a moment to communicate appreciation with an encouraging note, surprising someone with their favorite snack, helping someone meet a deadline, taking a quick walk with colleague to catch up , or even just tossing a high five someones way when they accomplish something.Weigh the cost. With certain individuals, you have to determine whether or not responding to their comments is worth the additional conflict that may result. Sometimes (for a period of time, at least), not responding may be the best course of action.Regardless of the level of condescension you face, remember to look at the situation as being the result oftheirissues. While you may be a recipient of their comments, you really arent the reason for them. Manage your reactions so the situation doesnt become worse. If possible, explore the potential lessons you can learn that could be embedded in their comment, and counter their negativity with some positives.This article was co-authored by Natalie Hamrick, Ph.D and originally appeared on Appreciation at Work.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study f inds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
Sunday, December 15, 2019
What to Do When Your Boss Gives You a Poor Work Performance Review
What to Do When Your Boss Gives You a Poor Work Performance ReviewWhat to Do When Your Boss Gives You a Poor Work Performance ReviewWhat to Do When Your Boss Thinks Youre elend Meeting ExpectationsHeres what to do when you find yourself on a different page from your boss when it comes to your wertmiger zuwachs.Youve been trucking along at work, arriving on time, grabbing your cup of morning joe, working through the morning into the afternoon, and then you heading home after a long days work. As far as you know, all is going well. You dont necessarily jump up and down with joy each day about your job, but you still put in the time and effort required and feel youre doing good work. Then, to your surprise, your manager asks to meet with you one afternoon to discuss your performance. After the meeting, you feel defeated and surprised because your manager isnt happy with your current level of performance.Or maybe its time for your annual performance review, and your managers marks dont r esemble the same glowing marks you provided about your performance. These scenarios can happen to the best of us. When your workplace expectations differ from those of your bosses, it can cause stress and tension for all.Obviously, the easiest performance discussions are the ones wherbeie the manager and employee have similar perspectives on the employees performance. However, it often happens that this is not the case. If this happens to you, consider the following tips on how to proceed or handle the situation when you might receive a poor performance review.Mentally prepare yourself before the conversationBefore entering the meeting, tell yourself that regardless of how the meeting goes, its just a meeting about one individuals perspective of your performance. Performance discussions are simply a way for you to receive information and feedback about how youre performing in a particular lokalitt within the company. It isnt an evaluation of your personal worth or how you would perf orm in a different position or with a different company. Dont take the feedback too personally. Instead, use the information as you see fit to improve at your job and interacting with co-workers.Take an honest look in the mirrorIts hard to admit that we might be struggling at work or that our performance isnt what wed like for it to be. After having a heart to heart with yourself, get clear on whether or not there is validity in your managers perspective. If there is, and youd like to remain in your role, take action to improve.Think before you reactWhen receiving a poor work performance review, it can stir some emotions that can quickly surface. If this happens to you, do your best to take a deep breath and count to three before you react with an outburst that might make matters worse. Its best to take the time to listen to your managers input and allow yourself a few days to process the information before reacting or responding.Ask for an improvement planIf you believe there is va lidity to your managers points, ask for an improvement plan that outlines specific goals and objectives. Make sure you align with your manager on specific ways to improve your work performance. The goals and objectives should be specific and quantitative with a specified time in which to reach them the more specific, the clearer it will be that you have met the goals as requested.Keep the communication openAsk your manager if you could schedule some regular meetings with him or her so you can discuss your progress and the current state of performance. Having regular communications with your manager is beneficial regardless of performance, but especially when performance is a concern.Related Professionalism in the Workplace How and When to Ask for FeedbackSeek training and educationAsk your manager for training or suggestions on resources that could help you improve in the work areas that were identified as your problem areas. You might also want to do an online search or ask your p eers for suggestions. This type of action demonstrates initiative and shows that you genuinely care about your work performance.Ask others for an assessmentIf you disagree with your managers assessment of your performance, consider asking some trusted friends and peers for their perspectives. Youre looking for honest feedback to assess whether or not others see what your manager sees. Based on their feedback, you might identify areas for improvement or changes you need to make in your current position. You might also decide you need to switch to another position or a different company altogether. Work with a career or personal coachIf youre struggling at work and genuinely want to improve, consider hiring a career or personal coach to help you. Do an online search for a local career or personal coach in your area or ask your network if they have any suggestions. Many coaches work remotely via phone (this is my preferred method) so you might end up expanding your search beyond your l ocal area to find the right coach to fit your needs and budget. Be honest and ask for what you needYou might not be surprised by your managers frustration because the feeling is mutual. In a recent Interact/Harris Poll of approximately 1,000 U.S. workers, 57 percent reported that lack of clear directions was just one of several communication issues that prevented effective leadership. If youd like to stay in your current position longer and want to attempt to make it work, be honest with your manager and ask for what you need, including clarification of roles and responsibilities. Its hard to do your work effectively if youre not clear as to what youre supposed to be doing. Be open if personal issues are impacting your jobIf the performance concerns are relatively recent and theyre due to some personal issues youre dealing with, like a divorce, personal or family illness, or some other life-impacting event, consider sharing the highlights of this with your manager. You dont need to go into a lot of detail, but life happens and many managers will give you some space and time to deal with your personal issues, understanding that your performance will return to normal once the issues are under control or have been dealt with.Wave the white flag and look for another positionJob fit is crucial for career success. If you find that your performance is suffering because youre not happy with your current position or organization, then start getting your resume and marketing materials together so you can apply for open positions and with organizations that are the right fit for you.Chalk it up to a learning experienceOne in two adults leaves their job to get away from their manager at some point in their career, as reported in a Gallup study of approximately 7,200 U.S. adults. In some instances, you might be unfortunate enough to be stuck with a poor manager, and theres not a whole lot you can do about it but move on. If this is the case for you, consider this a learnin g experience about what not to do if you become a manager one day.Take the high roadTake the high road regardless of what happens. People will remember when you deal with situations with as much grace, integrity, and dignity as possible. They also remember when you dont handle things in such a way, which could hurt you in the long run.Sometimes an employees perspective of his or her performance will be different than that of a managers. If this happens to you, be proactive to improve or evaluate your performance to save yourself a lot of headaches and heartache in the long run. Youll be able to decide if its worth it to take action to improve your performance or if its better to make the choice to leave your current position on your own accord before the company asks you to leave. Photo credit cea +/FlickrClick on the following link for more advice on getting ahead.Looking for a new job? Make sure your resume stacks up with a free resume reviewRecommended Reading4 Wrong Reasons to Quit Your JobAsk Amanda How Do I Recover From a Bad Performance Review?6 Ways to Impress Your Boss
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Rumors, Deception and Resume References
Rumors, Deception and Resume References The Resume References Pitfall If you cant produce a reference, thats a flag. If you want to begin and find out more about how better to compose a work application resume cover letter, you can get the proven sample of resume cover letter below. Each cover letter is a typical document and youll need to understand you ought to adhere to some guidelines. Its possible so you can write an amazing cover letter by doing the next. Resume References - Is it a Scam? Applying with the task targeted restart for each and every job is truly an important clinic as opposed to sending very same restart for each endeavor. You might also offer the person who has an updated resume or list of your abilities and qualifications. The most significant section of ones resume ought to be specialized in your experience thats just enjoy the job which you desire. To start with, one of several sections that has to be altered is the work objective. The 5-Minute R ule for Resume References IT tafelgeschirr management is about proper management of the IT infrastructure in order to increase functionality and high quality of businesses in a cost-effective fashion. When youre asked for references, it is possible to strategically pick the best people to represent what you would like highlighted for the opportunity, she states. Ensure your resumes and cover words have the identical sort of high quality documents and printed utilizing a similar sort of printer or maybe ink. When work history isnt directly related to ones present employment objective, a Combination format is probably the ideal approach. Whenever someone provides me with 2 references, I never fail to grimace. One theyve been contacted, thank every one of your references. Youre also likely to need to understand how to choose and request references. Its acceptable to use difference references for various stttes. When you give out a persons name for a reference, to begin with, b e confident you have permission to use them as a reference. Below youll discover a sample reference list. You dont wish to have a poor reference listed. Your most important reference ought to be the initial one. In that situation, you may always ask your employer to spell out the clause and he is going to be bound to do that or ask the legal department to assist you in understanding the exact same. An overview of your qualifications is a superb means of finding the interest of the prospective employer. Professional references are people who are able to offer personalized and experience-driven information on the topic of somebodys job performance and suitability for employment. Browsing for employment is additionally a tough and demanding clinic. New Step by Step Roadmap for Resume References Staying in touch with, and being courteous to, all your references can help you in job searches down the street. So manage the remaining portion of the paper in a similar fashion and y oure going to absolutely become added attention. Unless youre asking for a job which involves a pole, conservative cosmetics is the sole method to go. Dont print on the front and the rear of one page, which demands the possible employer to turn the sheet over to observe the remainder of the resume. When youre writing cover letters to utilize for jobs, it genuinely is a superior idea to examine types of cover characters that are relevant to the job which youre attempting to get. For each new job opportunity, you should make certain your list of references is the correct fit. For instance, if youre going into the work market for the very first time, you might only should list three references. Resume References - the Story In other words, employing a Target Receipt Template speeds up the practice of producing a winning resume and ensures that its going to stick out in the application practice. Resume references are a valuable part of any work search. References upon request ou ght to be written at the base of the resume. Also, share with them a copy of the resume youre submitting so they can be on precisely the same page if and once the hiring manager calls them up. Now that youre schooled on the best way to list reference on a resume, know your resumeand your referencesmay must be altered slightly as you submit an application for different jobs. Keeping work reference list is recommended. Bear in mind which you dont need to put many particulars about previous jobs are that arent crucial. The Downside Risk of Resume References Or you can give a complete overview of your professional history. If it is not clear from your resume, you could also desire to include info about your relationship with the reference. Make certain you let your references know whenever you have submitted their contact information to an employer, together with details about the position so that they can offer appropriate details for your benefit. Your work history and refere nces might require you to scour through your documents to get the info needed.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
One of the Most Incredibly Disregarded Systems for Online Essay Writing
One of the Most Incredibly Disregarded Systems for Online Essay Writing Top Online Essay Writing Choices Because there are lots of essay writing tafelgeschirrs readily available online in todays day, students are really confused to discover the ideal essay writing service provider. Because of the numerous risks, youre very likely to face when you order and pay for essay on the world wide web, you have to be careful when picking the service to trust. You are going to receive an expertly crafted paper and youll love it or you could ask ur customer support to acquire your money refunded. If you arent pleased with your paper, we can provide a money-back guarantee and a non-stop aid. Most Noticeable Online Essay Writing Additionally, the writing quality can be quite low. On occasion a fantastic essay writing service is simply found in limited locations. Rely on us and you wont ever regret. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019
Make Candidate Experience Match Expectations - Spark Hire
Make Candidate Experience Match Expectations - Spark HireA2015 Talent Trends report from LinkedIn found that 83 percent of the 20,000 professionals surveyed said that a negative bewerbungsbewerbungsgesprching experience can change their mind about a position or company. Its a job seekers market. If your einstellungsgesprch process leaves a bad taste in a candidates mouth, theyll move right to the next opportunity and youll lose out on quality talent.A lot of time and energy went into perfecting your companys interview process. Whether it involves video interviews, personality and skills assessments, or panel interviews, the process is customized to tell you exactly what you want to know about candidates. But is it what job seekers are expecting?The interview is no longer just an opportunity for hiring professionals to learn about the job seeker. Its now also the candidates opportunity to feel out the company. Once youve interviewed talent, you want to make aya quality candidates stil l want to work for you.So why notlage give candidates what they want and expect from the interview process? Here are six things job seekers want fruchtwein from their interview experience Expectation 1 To talk to their future manager.Reality Job candidates often dont meet or interact with their manager until their first day on the job.The same LinkedIn survey showed that the most important thing for 53 percent of candidates was to talk to their future manager. A supervisors time is valuable, but prospective employees want to know who their boss will be.Even if theyre not available for the entire interview, introducing managers and candidates allows them to begin building a relationship. Candidates can see how their future boss communicates and what itll be like to work for them.If the number of candidates or the amount time makes it unfeasible for the manager to meet with everybody, consider other options to introduce them to the interviewees. Allow candidates to talk with a curre nt employee to get an honest description of the management style. You should also record a video of the manager giving their background information and a summary of what they expect out their team that you can show to all prospective employees. This way, even though they dont physically meet their future boss, job seekers at least have a face and a voice to put to the name.Introducingmanagers and candidates allows them to begin building a relationship InterviewingTipsClick To TweetExpectation 2 Information to prepare.Reality The majority of candidates dont even know the name of the person theyll be interviewing with.Candidates want to walk into an interview feeling confident of their success. Its hard to allow them that comfort if they have no idea what theyll be facing. Only 26 percent of the more than 95,000 candidates surveyed for a2014 report by Talent Board were given a detailed agenda before the interview.Let the interviewee know if theyll be completing something a little diff erent, like a skills assessment or a panel interview. Theres really no reason to keep those details under wraps. If anything, its those very details that ensure youll be seeing the most polished version of the candidate come interview time, as candidates will be better prepared. Also, be sure to give them the names and basic background information of their interviewers. Theyll feel a lot more at ease knowing theyll be talking to Lisa, the human resources manager, instead of some faceless, titleless hiring professional.If your company has a peer mentoring program, this would be an excellent time to introduce a candidate that has recently been through the interview process. The mentor can answer any questions or give any advice that the job seeker might benefit from. The mentor can also act as a second opinion on the candidate and give you feedback on whether they think theyll make a good addition to the team.Expectation 3 You to do your homework.Reality Interview questions are generi c and the interviewer has to keep referencing the resume.When Matt comes in for an interview, he wants to know youre considering hiring him as seriously as hes thinking about working for you. Make sure youve reviewed his resume.Read it, dont just glance at it. His background is already in your hands. Skip time-consuming questions like tell me about your last job, and ask him to give examples of his project management skills instead.Also, remember that there are things that cant be listed on a resume. Nowadays candidates expect that youllcheck out their social media profiles when youre considering them for a job. Take a look at their LinkedIn profiles, for instance, and see if anything stands out to you or seems pertinent to the position they are applying for.Check out all of your candidates LinkedIn profiles to discover other skills SocialRecruitingClick To TweetPerhaps the job listing didnt ask for coding skills, but Matt has it listed on his LinkedIn page. If that type of experien ce is something the company values, in general, prepare questions about it for the interview.By doing your homework and formulating custom interview questions for each candidate, youll be able to delve deeper into what they can bring to the company. You might even find out something of value you would have never known with just the run-of-the-mill tell me about your experience queries. Asking a candidate questions that are different and catered specifically for them will make them feel special during and after the interview.Expectation 4 To experience the company culture.Reality The hallway leading up to the interview room is the only glimpse candidates get into the geschftszimmer space.Good candidates want to feel like theyll fit in at a new job, so let themexperience the company culture during the interview process. The 2015 CareerBuilderCandidate Behavior Report found that only 19 percent of job seekers toured the office and only 12 percent were able to meet other employees durin g the interview process.Show prospective employees what its actually like to work for the company by showing them examples of past projects, having them sit in at a weekly team meeting, or letting them spend time with the co-workers theyll be interacting with. Even if its not feasible to get future and current employees in the same room, consider scheduling video interviews with at least one employee.Make company culture videos that you can include in all of your job postings. Identify what it is about your workplace that is special and build a video around that. Feature employees at their favorite place in the office talking about the company values that mean the most to them and whats given them the most satisfaction in their job. This way, any potential employee can have an inside look at what its like to work for your company before they even apply. You can also keep job seekers up to date about whats going on in your workplace with posts on social media. When your company softb all team wins a big game, tweet about it. Share pictures of employees relaxing in the break room or during a brainstorming session. Post bios or interviews with employees of the month. This will show that employee happiness is something your company values and strives to achieve. What about the lobby your interviewees wait in? If it has bare, bland walls, it doesnt give the best impression of your company while candidates wait. Hang pictures of company picnics, charity events, and holiday parties as a simple way to expose them to your company culture.This will allow candidates to envision themselves in the office on both their first day and five years down the road.Expectation 5 Interview feedback.Reality Candidates leave the office without anyone actually telling them how things went.Even if you arent going to make them a job offer, candidates want feedback after the interview process. This shows them that you care about their future success, even if its not with your company.Job s eekers rule the job market right now, so its important to maintain a positive company brand with former candidates. That little extra effort of providing feedback will stand out to job seekers. Ending the interview on a good note makes it easier for them to recommend your company to people within their professional network. And, who knows? They might connect you to your next superstar employee.And remember Matt? While he wasnt right for this particular position, he might be perfect for one that opens up later in the year. In fact, the aforementioned 2015 LinkedIn study showed candidates are four times more likely to consider a different opportunity with a company that provided them with constructive feedback during their first time going through the interview process.Ideally, feedback should go both ways. Create an online survey that you can include in follow-up emails. Ask about all aspects of the job application process include questions about the job posting, the interview proce ss, and communications with the company. This will allow you to continually perfect your process and maximize job seekers satisfaction. Plus, candidates will feel like their opinions matter to you, even if you chose not to hire them.Are you taking the time to give candidatesfeedback after the interview process?Click To TweetExpectation 6 A follow-up letting candidates know where they stand.Reality The 2015 CareerBuilder Candidate Behavior Report found only 17 percent of candidates had been notified that they were not selected for the position.From the moment the candidate leaves your office, theyre waiting to hear from you. Put them out of their misery and contact them in a timely manner. The first communication after the interview doesnt have to be an immediate job offer, but at least provide the candidate with information and a timeline about the rest of the hiring process.Every companys process is different, so there is no way for a candidate to know how long to wait, unless you tell them. Its unrealistic to expect good talent to sit around in the dark while you make a decision. If they dont hear from you, it wont be long before theyre back combing the job boards for the next opportunity. Keeping in contact with candidates throughout the entire process will maintain their interest in both the position and the company.Why not send job candidates thank you notes after an interview? Its now considered a must for candidates to thank their interviewer, but the candidates time and interest also deserves recognition.Realize, however, that people prefer to get good and bad news in different ways. Based on the LinkedIn report, if things arent going to work out with the candidate, 65 percent of professionals said theyd rather find out in an email. If you are going to make them an offer, call them 77 percent said they preferred to receive good news over the phone.Whether you implement one or all of these tips, its important to start catering your interview process to candidates so that it attracts top talent. Your next rockstar employee is out there, and they know what they want. Show them that you can give them their dream job or theyre going to find it some place else.What other ways can you make sure the candidate experience is favorable and that job candidates make it through the interview process with a positive view of your company? Share in the comments below
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Sustainable Building Equipment Systems Open Research Forum Held in Washington
Sustainable Building Equipment Systems Open Research Forum Held in Washington ASME Integrated/Sustainable Building Equipment Systems Open Research Forum Held in Washington ASME Integrated/Sustainable Building Equipment & Systems Open Research Forum Held in WashingtonLast month, the ASME Center for Research and Technology Development (CRTD) and ASME Emerging Technologies (ET) jointly convened the first in a planned series of workshops - called Open Research Forums - at the ASME offices in Washington, D.C. More than 25 leaders from U.S. industry, government and academia attended the darbietung for the purpose of identifying and evaluating the various challenges and opportunities in the integrated/sustainable building equipment and systems (ISBES) field. The ASME Open Research Forum series, a joint effort of the Center for Research and Technology Development (CRTD) and Emerging Technologies (ET), is intended to bring together industry, government and research leaders to gather knowl edge and intelligence that can lead to new ASME products and services in key focus areas, according to Michael Tinkleman, director of the CRTD.By enhancing our understanding of the issues and opportunities our goal is to expedite community and content development, and to identify how ASME can best help move unterstellung key focus areas forward, he said.The ASME Integrated/Sustainable Building Equipment Systems Open Research Forum, held April 24, was a one-day, invitation-only workshop where attendees discussed three key focus areas relating to integrated/sustainable building equipment and systems integrating of renewable energy generation into buildings and building systems incorporating power generation systems into building heating and cooling systems and integrating energy strategies at the neighborhood and city-scale.Forum organizers selected these three focus areas based on assessments of global ISBES needs that took place at the ASME Sustainable Building Technologies Roundta ble, which was held in May 2012 in New York, and at the ISBES technical and panel sessions at the 2012 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Last months Open Research Forum explored how ASME could contribute to advance these technologies to the global engineering community via research, education, knowledge dissemination, and new codes and standards. The workshop also reviewed national and global initiatives for smart buildings and communities. Addressing the focus area of integrated renewable energy generation and energy efficiency technologies were Yunho Hwang of the University of Maryland, Stella Oggianu of the United Technologies Research Center, and Andy Walker of NREL. Moncef Krarti of the University of Colorado at Boulder, Rongliang Zhou of Hewlett Packard, and Patrick Phelan of the Department of Energy were the speakers for the session on the second focus area, Integrated Power, Heating, Cooling Equipment and Systems. Jorge Gonzalez of the City C ollege of New York, Annie Marston of Ebert Baumann Consulting Engineers, and Jason Hercules of the U.S. Green Buildings Council discussed the third area of focus during their session, titled Neighborhood and City-Scale Integrated Energy Strategies. Moncef Krarti of the University of Colorado at Boulder The interactive discussions that took place during the daylong event resulted in 39 recommendations from Forum participants regarding what ASME could do to encourage the adoption of integrated/sustainable building equipment and systems. These suggestions fell into four broad categories collaboration between ASME and other groups on joint research, meetings, forums and conferences information dissemination via publications, including articles, journals, case studies, books and handbooks the enhancement and development of codes and standards and ISBES education opportunities, including training courses, training manuals, webinars and podcasts.Noteworthy recommendations fr om the Forum participants included ASME should collaborate with other groups such as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), IEEE, the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), the Department of Energy and the Solar Electric Power Association to address the topic of Integrated/Sustainable Building Equipment and Systems (ISBES) and establish a joint technical committee to focus decision making and prioritize research topics by drafting a research road map for the next five years. ASME should continue to initiate and recommend special issues of the Solar Energy Journal devoted to ISBES issues and research needs. In addition, special effort should be made to disseminate ISBES information through non-technical articles and publications focused on increasing public awareness. ASME should draft a position paper on ISBES, in cooperation with the Government Relations office, to explain the topic and related research needs to the political leadership in Washington, D.C. ASME should exercise its ability to develop consensus codes and standards for the integrated/sustainable building equipment and systems arena. Existing codes and standards need to be enhanced to recognize the benefits of integrated, energy efficient building designs. ASME should lead the effort on the topic of ISBES design through vehicles such as webinars or podcasts on relevant ISBES topics. Special programs, such as courses and workshops, should be developed to expand and complement the trained workforce of building operators capable of handling sophisticated integrated buildings.A full report that includes the 39 recommendations and a summary of other Forum discussions will be released this summer.Two more Open Research Forums are planned to be held over the next few months - one on the subject of sustainable manufacturing in June, and another addressing thermal energy storage in September. For more information on the Open Rese arch Forum series, contact Brandy Smith, ASME Emerging Technologies, at (917) 596-0306, elektronischer brief, or Michael Tinkleman, ASME Center for Research and Technology Development at (202) 785-7394, e-mail
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Is Overconfidence Hurting Your Job Search
Is Overconfidence Hurting Your Job SearchIs Overconfidence Hurting Your Job SearchYoure in the middle of yet aleidher job interview. Your answers are on point and your superior skillswellthey speak for themselves. Yet, you cant seem to land a job. The problem may not be your lack of work experience- it might be your overconfidence hurting your job search.A recent study from the Career Advisory Board found that there is a seeming disconnect between what job seekers think they are bringing to the table and what hiring managers are finding. The Job Preparedness Indicator (JPI) discovered that job seekers tend to be overly confident- to the point of their own detriment- when they are interviewing for a job.How overconfidence is hurting your job searchFor example, 72 percent of job seekers believe that they are confident enough to know how to showcase their skills and previous work experience to a hiring manager. Another 56 percent of those looking for a job are also confident that they k now exactly what employers are looking for in todays top talent. However, only a mere 15 percent of prospective bosses say that nearly all job seekers have the skills that their companies are looking for.It seems that previous work experience coupled with industry knowledge is what job seekers believe will get them through the job interviewing process and land them a job. The reality is quite the opposite. According to the study, 74 percent of hiring managers claim that job seekers should have some sort of career counselor (in the form of a career mentor) to help them match their skills and experience with a position that they not only want, but will be a legitimate fit for them.Sadly, many job seekers are relying solely on their previous work experience to guide them as they fill out job applications and write a great cover letter that is sure to get noticed. In fact, the number of job seekers who prefer to go it on their own (instead of seeking out advice from seasoned professiona ls) has grown from 58 percent in 2012 to 67 percent in 2013.What should savvy job hunters who are looking for work do?Seeking out the advice and experience of a career mentor is a great place to start. Not only can a mentor guide in you in your overall career, but he or she can help you through todays tough job interviewing process, assess your interview style, and provide the necessary tweaks to get you the job you deserve.It may seem like an unnecessary waste of time- and money- to find a mentor, but investing in a person who can help you find a lucrative career will be an investment well worth it.Readers, what do you think of this new study? Have you invested in a career mentor to help you find a job? Let us know in the comments section below
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Are You Becoming Obsolete at Work
Are You Becoming Obsolete at Work Are You Becoming Obsolete at Work Stay competitive in the workplace with this top advice. Never stop learningThe quickest way to lose your edge is to be stagnant in your career. Donât let yourself become so comfortable that you stop challenging yourself. Seek out new professional-development opportunities at relevant industry events, your local college and online. There are a number of webinars, online workshops and courses you can take to brush up on a skill or learn an entirely new one.Be a trend setterMake it a point to stay current with the latest trends in your field. Join relevant Meetup and LinkedIn groups and subscribe to online publications to help you keep a pulse on your industry. If you want to take it a step further, set up Google News Alerts for key associations, industry terms or competitors in your market so you stay up-to-date with relevant news. Share any valuable nuggets of information you learn with the team, when appropriate.Give your brand a faceliftYour appearance is an extension of your prof essional brand. Consider what your current brand â" on and offline â" says about you. Does it portray a confident, approachable professional who is not only knowledgeable, but still passionate about and relevant within your industry? While you donât need to be well-versed in every social media channel, itâs important to manage your online brand. Establish at least one professional online profile that is fully fleshed out and aligned with your career goals, and take steps to secure your personal accounts.Make friends with technologyIt is often assumed that senior professionals and new technologies donât mix well. In fact, Adecco found that 72 percent of hiring managers felt that mature workers need more technological know-how. Itâs important for you to demonstrate technical savvy wherever possible to dispel such stereotypes. While building an online presence and leveraging social media will help with this cause, itâs even more important to stay updated on the new technolo gies emerging in your field.Mentor others⦠and seek new mentorsThe benefits of mentorship only grow as your career progresses. Continue to seek our new people to become part of your personal board of directors, helping you manage or further advance your career. In addition, find a junior member of your team to mentor. Not only will you find the experience rewarding, but chances are, youâll also learn a thing or two from your mentee.Build a brag sheetEmployers today always want to know what youâre doing for their company today, not what you helped them accomplish 6 years â" or even 6 months â" ago. Be prepared for these conversations at any time by building a brag sheet. Chronicle your professional accomplishments and contributions and continually update it on a regular basis so youâre always prepared to discuss the value you bring to the organization.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
U.S. Army ROTC Simultaneous Membership Program
U.S. Army ROTC Simultaneous Membership Program U.S. Army ROTC Simultaneous Membership Program The Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) allows people to be a part of both the Army National Guard and their collegeâs ROTC program. The immediate benefits are being able to use the tuition assistance of the GI Bill after a year of service in the Guard or Reserves. Qualifying for up to 100% tuition with the Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) scholarship is the major financial benefit of this program. Eligibility Requirements for the SMP Simultaneous in the SMP is defined by the following requirements: Full-time college student (sophomore, junior, senior, or grad student)Serving (or willing to enlist) in the Army Reserves or Army National GuardEnrolled in Army ROTC at the college of attendance How SMP Works In the SMP, a cadet will participate in monthly unit training with the Reserves or National Guard one weekend a month and get paid to drill once a month with their Guard unit. Cadets do have to attend Army Basic Combat Training and join the Guard or Reserves. Then they must be eligible for the ROTC program at the college they attend or plan to attend. Many ROTC students join the ROTC program as a non-contracted cadet, meaning they must pay for their college tuition. Depending upon performance and eligibility, students may earn a slot as a contracted cadet- receiving an ROTC scholarship and a commitment of service after graduation. Only ROTC-contracted cadets may participate in the Simultaneous Membership Program. However, those receiving an ROTC scholarship cannot join the SMP. If you join the SMP two-year training course, youll be receiving training from the National Guard unit officers, while earning your commission through college courses and ROTC. Upon college graduation, you have several options that most ROTC, Officer Candidate School, and Academy graduates do not have. You can still become commissioned as an officer in the Army. However, you also have the option of serving full-time or part-time in the Army Reserves or Army National Guard. Benefits of Simultaneous Membership Program Participation in SMP allows you to: Receive basic soldier skills in Basic Combat Training (BCT) and job skills through Advanced Individual Training (AIT)Receive up to 100% tuition assistance, depending on Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)Receive time-served credit toward reserve retirement and base pay calculationsReceive a monthly allowance, depending upon rank/gradeCommission as a second lieutenant upon graduation and be eligible to serve in either the National Guard or active Army Two Ways of Joining the SMP If you already serve in the Army Reserves (AR) or National Guard (NG) as an enlisted soldier, your benefits already include tuition assistance, 100 percent tuition waiver (NG only), GI Bill ($300 per month, if MOS qualified), and drill pay. Joining ROTC adds more benefits: Drill pay increase to Sergeant (E-5) rateROTC stipend ($350-$500 per month)GI Bill Kicker ($350 per month) for being in ROTCNon-deployable status- No deployment since you are enrolled in collegeOfficer training in your National Guard/Reserve Unit when performing your required drill You need to complete one year of college before applying for the SMP, making you eligible at the beginning of the sophomore year. However, a freshman can still enroll in ROTC classes and drill with the National Guard unit, but will not be formally in the SMP. If you are a sophomore or higher and currently enlisted, you must enroll in the SMP to enroll in ROTC. Prospective cadets with prior military experience may simply be assigned to a unit. Civilian High School Graduates If you are a civilian, you get to attend Army Basic Training and become a soldier in the National Guard after Basic Combat Training (BCT) and Advanced Individual Training (AIT) during the summer (typically between high school graduation and freshman year). New Basic Training graduates are assigned to a local National Guard or Reserve unit upon completion of training. Upon commissioning, any enlistment contract is nullified, and you may start your career as an Army officer and serve either full-time on Active Duty, or part-time as an officer in the Army Reserves or National Guard. You are not limited to any particular MOS because of your former training, nor are you locked into or out of any commissioning options. Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty If you have desires to serve in the Army Reserves or National Guard, there is a GFRD contract that means you will receive a Reserve Commissioning and not go Active Duty. All cadets at the end of their junior year can request Active Duty (career MOS), Army Reserves, or National Guard. Also, to differentiate the SMP from other commissioning sources, participation in the SMP is not required for GRFD contracting. Required Documentation Those who contract and become SMP participants must complete selected ROTC Cadet Forms of the command/college you attend as well as the standard AR/NG forms. The following forms are also necessary for SMP participation: DA Form 4824-R (SMP agreement between Cadet Command and Army Reserves units)Or NGB Form 594-1 (SMP agreement between Cadet Command and Army Reserves units)Copy of DD Form 214Letter of Recommendation from National Guard or Reserve Unit CommanderVerification of citizenshipSuccessful medical exam (SF 88 and SF 93)Letter of acceptance from the professor of Military Science If you missed the opportunity to receive an ROTC scholarship or Service Academy Appointment, this program offers the same benefits toward tuition and more.
Monday, November 18, 2019
I Hate my Job. When Can I Jump Ship
I Hate my Job. When Can I Jump Ship I Hate my Job. When Can I Jump Ship Thatâs when you start to feel resentful: Why am I here? Where should I go next? And most importantly, when can I jump ship? Before you quit with a dramatic Jerry Maguire-like speech, or stomp into your bossâs office to render your two-weeksâ notice, take a moment to assess your options. Take a breath. Think about how to proceed in a way that will make your day-to-day better, and not worse. âIâm thinking seriously about quitting my job.â If you know that your current job is not the right fit for you, but youre not sure whether you are ready to leave, there are two things that you must do before you take any action: 1. Donât quit right away. This is especially true if you donât have another source of steady, reliable income â" not including an emergency fund. Today, even qualified and seasoned professionals may remain unemployed for as long as one year while seeking a new position. If you quit your job and run out of savings, youâll be forced to take another mediocre job that may make you feel even more discouraged than your current position. Quitting prematurely often requires compromises with respect to financial security, position, or company; in time, you may be more likely to take a lower salary or a stop-gap job to pay the bills. So if you think that your current job is not your dream job, start building a reserve of money in addition to your emergency fund to provide you with more freedom when you make the decision to quit. 2. Decide on the job that you want. While you may be certain that you donât like the job you have now, spend some time examining what type of job you will like in the future â" as well as what is necessary for you to get it. Make a list of everything you like and do not like about your current job. Parts of this list can be tricky if you genuinely hate your job, so look at things you may be taking for granted. Do you have flexible hours? Is their free parking particularly close by? Do you have casual Fridays? Compare to the list youâve built on your current position to make sure that you are not jumping from one bad situation to another, and to help pinpoint the ideal job for you. âI am definitely quitting.â For those who cannot spend another moment in their current employment situation, here are two important questions to ask yourself before quit day: 1. How long do I have to stay? The length of time you stay in your current job will depend on several factors. Most career experts recommend at least a year even if itâs downright unbearable. However, for more advanced positions, three years may be even better. It is interesting to note, however, that some career experts believe staying at a job for more than four years will hinder your growth. Just remember that whenever you decide to leave, the goal is to move up the corporate ladder â" not down or straight across. 2. What can do I to make it better? Lets say that youâve decided you are going to stay at your job until the three-year mark; what can you do to make it better? Try taking on additional duties in an area of interest that is currently outside your purview. If you joined the company to be a marketing strategist, but are still an administrative assistant, consider volunteering to help with tasks in the marketing department or asking to shadow a more senior co-worker. Make sure to obtain the consent of your supervisor, and stress that the added duties will be completed in addition to, not instead of, your current duties. When you do finally quit, try to give as much notice as possible. Consider giving a month if it is difficult to find candidates for your position, or if they are difficult to train. Discuss closing out your current duties with your supervisor, thank them for the opportunity, request a well-written reference letter, and leave on good terms. Still unsure when to quit? Check out the Harvard Business Reviewâs recent career case studies of individuals in this situation.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Job Application Mistakes to Avoid
Job Application Mistakes to Avoid Job Application Mistakes to Avoid Most of the time, the job application process is pretty straightforward. Even so, there are job application mistakes that can cost you the opportunity to advance in the hiring process. Competition for jobs is keen, so you need to make sure your employment applications, both paper and online, are as polished as possible. Take the time to carefully complete every application you fill out to be sure the information is accurate, your dates and job descriptions are correct, and there are no spelling or grammatical errors. Some Common Mistakes to Avoid Skimming the instructions and missing the real intent of the application questions. Read carefully and dont rush. After all, who wants an employee who doesnt follow directions?Writing see attached to avoid filling in the material on the application. Many employers will screen primarily on the application itself, so you need to fill in all the blanks even if the information is duplicated on an attached resume.Supplying generic statements about your skills or experiences. Instead, highlight and front-load the skills and experiences most relevant to your target job. Fabricating or exaggerating your qualifications. Dishonesty and fabricated information are grounds for immediate dismissal, so avoid the temptation to make up or puff up your credentials.Applying to jobs youâre not qualified for. If the position requires an advanced degree or a certain number of years of experience that you donât possess, donât waste your or the hiring managerâs time applying.Submitting your application to the wrong person or department. Make sure you direct your application to the individual or department referenced in the ad or job post. You might also want to copy other contacts you have at the company: I thought you might want to see the materials which I submitted to HR given our helpful informational meeting last week. Spelling or grammatical errors. Copy and paste online descriptions into a spelling and grammar checker like Word first. Put your finger on every word and make sure it is spelled correctly. Read your document out loud to check for grammatical errors, and, when possible, have another set of eyes review your document before submission.Writing descriptions that dont include accomplishments. Even though the application says job description, take that to mean a description of how you added value as opposed to a bland list of duties. Using numbers to quantify descriptions is a good way to highlight accomplishments, âManaged financial oversight of $500,000 annual fundraiser.â Neglecting to explain job gaps. If you have legitimate reasons for gaps in employment, find a way to explain why you were out of work, such as I left in good standing to care for my newborn baby or a terminally ill parent.Listing an unprofessional sounding email address. Set up a separate email account for job-related purposes that doesnt include anything like Application Tips It can be helpful to write out a master list with the dates and descriptions of your education and the jobs you have held in chronological order. When you are filling out applications, you can refer to your list, and be sure that you are providing accurate and complete information to each employer. If you submit a resume as well, you will want to tailor it to the individual position you are applying to, highlighting the most relevant experiences. These may differ from the chronological list that the general application may ask for, which is one of the reasons they may request supporting documentation to get a more complete picture of your qualifications. Before you submit the application, read it through again, scanning for typos and making sure that you answered all the questions completely and appropriately. Submit All the Required Documents Itâs important to pay attention to the details of the requirements for the application listed in the job posting. Sometimes, in addition to filling out an application, the hiring manager will require you to submit a resume, cover letter, portfolio, list of references, etc. To be considered for the job, make sure that you submit all the documents requested. If you donât follow the application instructions, itâs an easy way for the hiring manager to eliminate you from contention.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Jobseekers Still Do These 3 ThingsWhich Dont Work
Jobseekers Still Do These 3 Thingsâ¦Which Dont Work Jobseekers Still Do These 3 Thingsâ¦Which Dont Work It sure would be nice if job search was what it used to be: youâd draw up your resume, distribute it to some well-placed contacts, and network your way into a good role. Then youâd do it again. Then youâd do it again. Following that pattern can keep you happily employed for decades. However, the day old-school job search techniques stop working can bring serious upset and frustration. So, letâs cast away the old things, and replace them with job search 2.0 approaches that get you the response you need. The #1 thing that doesnât work: cliché keywords. There is no way that you being a âdetail-oriented team playerâ is the strongest asset you bring to the table. When I see resumes and LinkedIn profiles that start off on that wrong foot, I believe itâs a cover for fear. Thereâs fear because those are the words you see in every ad, so surely you must include them, right? Thereâs fear because you donât know what else to write. Thereâs fear because you donât know how to say who you truly are, what you actually do, or what the unique value is that you bring to the table. Instead of stuffing your presentation with alleged keywords from the bottom of the ads, (I defy you to show me an ad asking for a detail-oriented team player in the 1st line), start with what the ad says from the top. These are the 1st few lines from an ad for a Sales Director: âThe primary job function of the Community Sales Director is to drive new sales into the community. Candidates with proven ability to close will be considered. Both inside and outside sales efforts are required to attract new residents to the community. Expectations focus on lead development/closing and strong outreach experience for referral development to local professionals.â Here are the keywords and phrases you need to emphasize to be viewed as a match for this job. These are in the order presented in the ad: Sales Leadership (the ad doesnât specifically say this, however, at a Director level, the core of what you would be doing is providing sales leadership), Sales Closing, Inside & Outside Sales, Lead Development, and Referral Development. None of those words is cliché. All of those words are specific. The #2 thing that doesnât work: relying on job board alerts. I get it: itâs easy to go into the job boards 1 time, enter your desired job titles, location(s), and such, and have the job boards automatically send you (allegedly) matching opportunities on a regular basis. However, there are a couple of problems with this old-school method. Time and again jobseekers tell me the alerts donât match what they entered, regarding job function, job level, or location. The second problem that leads to is email clutter. Youâre spending so much time on job alerts every day, frustrated that your job-search-strategy-on-autopilot isnât working, that youâre not devoting energy where you will get the strongest results. Forget all the automation. Replace that with good, old-fashioned human effort. Identify the places where you want to work, research the organizations, pinpoint the people potentially relevant to your job search, and make your approach. While that seems like it takes more time, hmmm, youâre wasting time on automatic job alerts anyway⦠The #3 thing that doesnât work: believing that once you make it to the interview, you can take things from there. Okay, but how are you planning on getting to the interview in the 1st place? Youâre so busy believing something about the future that youâre not effectively working on what you need to in the present. LinkedIn IS your interview. When people receive your resume, before they pick up the phone, they look you up on LinkedIn. What they find there determines whether they pick up the phone at all. Treat LinkedIn as the engine driving your job search. It is not a medium intended for you to simply park there. It is a medium intended for relevant people to find you. Concentrate on being seen by actively connecting with relevant people in the organizations youâre targeting. Follow these relevant people and comment on their news feed posts in a normal human being tone of voice. If you want to make it to the interview, show your real skills, show your real humanity, and show some initiative.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Resume Tips for Everyone
Resume Tips for Everyone Resume Tips for Everyone Doesnât matter if you are an entry-level candidate or an experienced one, here are some resume tips applicable for all job applicants. Keep it short No matter how highly experienced or qualified you may be, it is better to keep your resume to one page. Some will argue and say it can of two pages if you have a lot of work experience. But believe me, no one has the time or patience to read it all. They will only take a look at the relevant items. So, you should only provide the necessary details in your resume to make it concise and to the point. Include keywords The recruiters need some specific skills and often include some keywords repetitively in the job description. These keywords should definitely be included in your resume. The recruiters only look for the keywords during selection process. That is why you need to smartly place the keywords in your resume so that they get highlighted the most. Use a readable format The main key in your selection lies in your resume format. Keeping it simple is the best thing to do. Using a readable font and including spaces, wherever needed, makes your resume look neat and tidy. Also, dividing it into sections makes it look more organised and professional. Highlight your best aspects While maintaining all these, do not forget to give emphasis on your skills and achievements. Whatever your best aspects are, your skills or work experiences, be sure to make them stand out. Also, make sure you always quantify your achievements rather than simply writing them. It has a more powerful impact. Proofread it Last but not the least, proofread your resume several times before submitting. Check for all possible mistakes like any grammatical or spelling errors and correct them. If you are not sure, then ask others to check it for mistakes. To submit a resume filled with errors is the worst thing that can happen to you. So do avoid this at any cost.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
How to Report a Job Scam
How to Report a Job Scam How to Report a Job Scam More people get caught in job and employment Internet scams each day. Scammers try to fraudulently get you to wire money or collect your personal information, or attempt any one of a variety of other job scams designed to take advantage of job hunters seeking to find employment online. A red flag is prospective employers who seem desperate to hire you and indiscriminate about your qualifications. If the opportunity seems too good to be true, then theres a change that its not legitimate. Types of Online Job Scams For example, you might be told that you will receive $490 per week. Then you receive another email saying that there was a mistake and the company accidentally sent you $3,200. When you receive the check, youre supposed to wire the rest of the money to someone else. That could be an attempt to get you to part with your money. The check from the company wont clear, and youll have already wired the money to a third party.? This is only one example of the many ways scammers prey on people seeking employment. Some of these scams are complicated, and it can be easy to think they are legitimate. There are warning signs to help you navigate your decision whether a job posting is legitimate. Keeping them in mind is essential. How to Report a Scam What should you do if youve been scammed or almost scammed? Heres how to report a scam, including where and how to report an employment scam. 1. File a Report With the Internet Crime Complaint Center The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). The Internet Crime Complaint Center accepts online Internet crime complaints. To file a report, youll need to provide the following information: Your name, mailing address, and telephone number.The name, address, telephone number, and web address, if available, of the individual or organization you believe defrauded you.Specific details on how, why, and when you believe you were defrauded. 2. File a Report With the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) The Federal Trade Commission, the nations consumer protection agency, collects complaints about companies, business practices, and identity theft. 3. Report the Company to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Enter the company name or the website into the Better Business Bureau search box to find out whether there have been complaints and whether the company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau. You can file your complaint online. 4. Report a Fraudulent Website to Google If you believe youve encountered a website that is designed to look like a legitimate website in an attempt to steal users personal information, heres to report it to Google. 5. Report a Fraudulent Advertisement to the Site Where it is Listed You can also report a scam job posting directly to the site where it is listed. For example, on Indeed, visit the Contact Indeed page: What best describes you?Select: Job SeekerWhat do you need help with?Select: Report a Job Listing
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
If you live in this city, youre actually living your best life
If you live in this city, you're actually living your best life If you live in this city, you're actually living your best life If youâre trying to find your best self, look at one of these cities.close dialogAdvertisementclose dialog/* effects for .bx-campaign-1012257 *//* custom css .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-type-agilityzone .bx-close { z-index: 2;}@-ms-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin { from { -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -ms-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-moz-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin { from { -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -moz-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-webkit-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin { from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } #bx-close-inside-1012257 { top: 0; right: 0; }/* rendered styles .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bx c.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative *:first-child {padding: 0;width: auto;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative {background-color: transparent;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-close {stroke: white;background-color: black;border-style: solid;border-color: white;border-width: 1px;box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 3px black;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-group-1012257-3RBnJGC {position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%, -50%);z-index: -1;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-element-1012257-wryzWV5 {width: 55px;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-element-1012257-wryzWV5 *:first-child {animation-name: bx-anim-1012257-spin;animation-duration: 800ms;animation-iteration-count: infinite;animation-timing-function: linear;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-group-1012257-lyDBLV9 {width: 900px;height: 550px;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-group-1012257-me4p1bl {padding: 10px;}.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-element-1012257-ZdLO37u {width: auto;}.bxc.bx-campaign -1012257 .bx-element-1012257-ZdLO37u *:first-child {padding: 2px 4px;font-size: 10px;color: rgb(255, 255, 255);text-transform: uppercase;background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34);}A new report by Deutsche Bank analyzed prices and living standards for residents in cities around the world in an effort to find the cities with the highest quality of life.The research found that Zurich, Switzerland was the best city to live in, moving up just one spot from 2018. All but one city (Wellington, New Zealand) were based in Europe in the reportâs top five including Copenhagen (Denmark), Edinburgh (United Kingdom), and Vienna (Austria).Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Laddersâ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!The quality-of-life list was compiled by measuring purchasing power, crime and safety, healthcare availability, cost of consumer goods, housing and other metrics.Deutsche Bank said it excludes cultural, entertainment and social opportunities from its scoring criteria.The company also ranked cities on oddities like the where the most expensive pack of Marlboro Cigarettes is (Melbourne, Australia) to where you can find the cheapest monthly gym membership (Bangladesh, Dhaka $25).Boston and San Francisco were the only cities in the United States to rank inside the top 10 for the best quality of life. San Franciso jumped 21 places over the last five years due to its rapid tech growth, according to the report.The cities with the lowest quality of life are Lagos (Nigeria), Beijing (China) and Manila (Philippines).The top 10 cities with the highest quality of life 1 Zurich, Switzerland 2 Wellington, New Zealand 3 Copenhagen, Denmark 4 Edinburgh, United Kingdom 5 Vienna, Austria 6 Helsinki, Finland 7 Melbourne, Australia 8 Boston, United States 9 San Francisco, United States 10 Sydney, Australia You might also enjoy⦠New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklinâs daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people
Monday, November 11, 2019
Heres What I Know About Google Docs Resume Template Reddit
Here's What I Know About Google Docs Resume Template Reddit You can also see application format. Search by file type to produce certain you are able to use the templates you find. As soon as you make your selection the file is going to be downloaded to your PC. Wait around for a second, you will receive your editable files. Choosing Google Docs Resume Template Reddit Revision History The Google Docs Revision History feature is beneficial for job seekers because it permits you to observe any preceding changes which were made to your Google Docs resume. While in addition, there are templates for Google Docs available, there's no greater feeling than creating something from scratch and by yourself. Taking a look at the Google Docs resume preview above, you can understand that the space between the job experience table and profile text is tiny. A fantastic choice is to make a Google Form, via the absolutely free form tool which comes with your Google account. For any on-line business person or marketer, a spreadsheet is extremely essential and utilizing the Google Docs templates, it is rather convenient and simple to create one. If you're not acquainted with using Google Docs, the formatting features are easy to use. The 5-Minute Rule for Google Docs Resume Template Reddit There are a lot of other free resume-building templates on the net. It's quick and simple to find and use templates. Alongside its basic look, the template offers you the sections you should include with subtle prompts to provide help. The rest of the templates are readily available to Pro subscribers. For the reason, it's typically a really good concept to update your CV. The absolute most important clue that you should send a curricuum vitae, needless to say, is that the work description asks for one! The template can help be conscious of the things which are crucial to wind up being filled in the curriculum vitae to acquire a special kind of job. If you'r e making numerous versions of your resume or cover letter, be certain to label each one with a particular title which will help you remember which is which (like the title of the job which you're applying for). If you often end up creating the identical sort of Google Doc, you can conserve a great deal of time with a customized template. It can be rather monotonous attempting to make the resume from scratch. To put it simply, it's a high-end tool worth your time. You should select a live resume template which will help you to put particular skills in a distinctive column that's easily visible by the business so that he also may distinguish you via others. Several businesses are now conducting their job searches on the internet to save costs. Other projects, on account of their place, even require relocation. There are many websites which provides a Resume constructor facility. Expertly, the resumes have a tendency to be the 1st impression a potential company gets of us. Type of Google Docs Resume Template Reddit Just scroll down until you discover a section named Resumes or CVs, based on where you are. Picking the correct job application structure is essential to must appropriate approach to make application properly. In the event that you were terminated from work which you might rather not integrate that on your application. If you're looking for Open Office Resume Template Reddit you've come to the correct spot. An enterprise letter is an expert part of correspondence. It is possible to download invoice templates in different formats from here. There are several letter formats you may use for your cover letter, and multiple resume formats also. Your invoice doesn't need to be bland. The Appeal of Google Docs Resume Template Reddit The ideal way to find a job is definitely via the world wide web. Utilizing resume layouts permit you to make sure which you are appropriately having all the accomplishments that you've done, and additional ly permit you to earn certain you may set your thoughts along in a manner that will cause one to find attractive for your vast selection of different work on the market in which you're applying for. Though there are many merchandise and services available with Google, the doc templates are definitely the most popular among them which is totally free. On top of that, the service supplies you with 15GB of room to use at no charge. So as to successfully implement a successful marketing and advertising campaign, you have to have the perfect advertising enablement software available. To put it simply, it's a feature-packed marketing and advertising software that you have to have.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Where to Find How Do I Add My Resume to Linkedin
Where to Find How Do I Add My Resume to Linkedin After your profile is completed, you're likely to get accessibility to the Resume Constructor. You might have noticed your profile URL is a lot of numbers. Then you will see Manage your page in the proper column. Download your profile for a PDF. The Hidden Facts on How Do I Add My Resume to Linkedin Writing a flourishing paper incorporates many essential factors regardless of what type of academics work you wish to finish. It's possible to determine how to compose an application by thinking about questions as though you were an excellent interviewer. Resumes are supposed to present a 90-second summation of an individual's entire expert self. The response to that question is normally a resounding No! Whatever They Told You About How Do I Add My Resume to Linkedin Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Your location might affect your salary and your odds of finding the job. As stated by the tool, using statistics in resumes is cri tical to land interviews at top businesses. This info isn't related to recruiters. There ought to be sufficient info to entice the hiring manager to want to find out more. The Foolproof How Do I Add My Resume to Linkedin Strategy Employers still search for employees who fit the firm's culture, have the necessary experience and techniques, and are eager to stick around. Under your Work Experience heading you'll want to learn to your present position or your most recent job if you're not really currently employed. Losing a job could possibly be considered a traumatic experience. Employers will continue to be in a position to find you in several ways, including throughout your on-line profile. Seeking the perfect job can be challenging, but polishing your continue doesn't need to be. The Do's and Don'ts of How Do I Add My Resume to Linkedin Nonetheless, it is worth it to be vigilant so be careful where you include your house address and contact info. It may be above your contact info or beside it. So now it's time to understand how to write address on resume, and the rest of the contact details. The info which you provide to each prospective employer should differ. How to Find How Do I Add My Resume to Linkedin on the Web Irrespective of length, it's still true that you have to take care to be as brief as possible. Even if you're not currently employed, look at adding work title which describes what you're looking for. You might now try to find a work relaxing comfortably your own home. A summer job with your dad isn't really essential to list. Additionally, it's almost always a great idea to tailor the info included in your resume to better fit the job which you're applying for. It doesn't matter what kind of job you're attempting to get hired for, if you utilize the appropriate example, you are going to have a resume which will help ensure you the very best chance possible for getting hired for that specific job. There are a few things you ought to know on how best to compose an application. 1 thing a lot of people don't understand about writing resumes is you have to be certain it has all the pertinent information that will help you get hired. The Do's and Don'ts of How Do I Add My Resume to Linkedin A lot of people can do just fine with an absolutely free LinkedIn account, but if you're seriously interested in using LinkedIn and all its most advanced features, you might want to upgrade to premium. In fact, lots of users make an account and abandon it since they have zero idea how they ought to be using LinkedIn. S ome websites that let you to apply to jobs will even permit you to connect to your LinkedIn profile to import all of your information. As a last note, don't neglect to make the most of LinkedIn's mobile apps! Older Roles Many LinkedIn users see their profile does not have any limit on its length, and so opt to include all their prior roles. Blog what you know. You don't know when you're going to have to utilize one of your connections on LinkedIn.
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